Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Full circle

Full circle. This has been a long journey for our family, spanning generations.  We have been plagued by leaky guts. Little did I know that the desserts that I came up with as a 5 year old in my mother's kitchen would one day be a part of healing our guts. That was 1980. I had no idea I was making Paleo treats.  I was so proud of my little morsels of goodness. Coconut flakes, maybe a little carob powder, a few nuts and seeds. I don't remember exactly what I made, but it was delicious and I was so proud of myself. Now, my 4 year old daughter creates Paleo recipes for dessert. It blows my mind. I am in awe. A complete full circle for me.

And yet, there is a bigger generational full circle. I remember being in my Grandma Katie's kitchen when I was about 10. She was hurled over in pain. Her belly hurt. She was in pain. And this happened quite frequently, maybe even daily. I knew that pain. I was used to the pain of gas and bloating too. It was as if that was just part of life and that was just what our family has to deal with through the generations. 

And then my daughter, Estella, started having the same pains when she was 3. Her belly hurt so bad she would wake in the night. During the day, the bladder filled with warm water and her tea would help to ease her tummy. It got so bad that one day during preschool she was sent to the nurse because her belly hurt so badly that she couldn't stand.  She now tells me," Mama, I don't mind shots at the doctor. But when my belly used to hurt it was like having a shot everyday, all the time."  I bet that is exactly how my grandma felt as she would be bent over the kitchen sink in her agony. 

The massive shift for us in our house came just a few months after Estella had that bad day in preschool. She had a blood draw and was found to have a sensitivity/mild allergy to corn and tomatoes. We were already diary free and mostly grain free. But the lovely grain, called corn, is in everything. It wasn't until we took all grains out and made everything from scratch that her pain went away. 

My grandma enjoyed  making all the typical American desserts, breads, treats. Made from scratch and with love. Eggs, white flour, and sugar.  My mom wanted better health so she would cook homemade bread with whole wheat flour and eggs. Even though it was more nutritious, I was in just as much pain as my grandma. For years, I dealt with constipation and bloating. 

Finally, with the birth of Estella, Katie's great-granddaughter, we are finally finding some resolution to this gut pain that has been in our family for generations. It time for healing. Time to take out all the foods that prevent our bodies from healing. Time to end the pain. 

Estella is now thriving in a way that is profound. She is not inhibited. Her spirit is clear and free to soar because her body doesn't hurt. It is a blessing and an honor to be a part of this healing. 

Photo taken in 1980 at my parents farm with Grandma Katie in background.

Sunday, May 11, 2014


I celebrate this new lightness in my body. Inflammation that has plagued me for so many years is gone. My brain is the sharpest it has ever been.

I want to share my story with you to provide inspiration and hope. It has been a long journey for me.
In 2003, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's (sub-clinic hypo-thyroid). I would work for 4 days then barely able to function the others days. Days filled with laying on the couch trying to find energy to get through the next round of working days. My hair was falling out, knuckles on my fingers were swollen and my brain was thick with fog. I was always cold. I was prescribed Armour thyroid hormone to help support my thyroid and my world changed. I had energy, I could think again, and I lost a few pounds.

Then we took the leap and in March of 2014 we eliminated all grains. We then decided to do the AIP protocol with our Paleo diet. Which means no eggs, nightshades, grain and diary.

Tremendous healing. Questions finally answered. And my brain is the sharpest it has ever felt as an adult. It is almost unreal. A joy of being set free and soaring ever so lightly.

I grew up with food from our garden. No processed foods, and certainly no sugar.  That doesn't mean that I didn't have issues with my gut and brain as a kid. I suffered with constipation and bloating so bad that I would have to come home from school and lay on the couch. My gut was not healthy.

The Paleo AIP (Auto-immune Protocol) has healed my gut. I can feel it. My husband and daughter are benefiting in such a tremendous way too.

Once we started out Paleo AIP diet all of these symptoms of inflammation and leaky gut went away.
We are healing and it feels amazing.  Here is my progress at week 11.

  1. Inflammation in my shoulder for over 2 years- GONE by day 4. (I had an MRI done and 2 years of Physical Therapy, acupuncture and massage. Nothing worked until Paleo).
  2.  Itchy flaky scalp that would get so bad that I had sores- GONE within a week.
  3. Itchy rash on my chest for over 2 years-GONE within a week. (I tried all creams, powders for anti fungal, yeast overgrowth. Some relief but it never went away until Paleo.)
  4.  Chronic pain due to varicose veins on my right knee for 15 years- GONE within a month
  5. Chronically tight hip flexor muscle for 5 years-NOW I don't need a weekly massage just to be able to walk. 

Overall, I was exhausted and counted down the hours when the kids would be asleep so I could just breathe and have a moment to relax. NOW, I am present and have so much more energy to play, read and just be with my kids.

  1. Irritability and lack of patience with myself, husband and kids- mostly GONE with 2 weeks.
  2. Brain fog so thick I feel like I need 5 cups of coffee-GONE within a month.
  3. Anxiety in social settings and feeling rushed all the time-GONE within a month.

 Every time I looked in the mirror I thought,"is that me? I look so tired, overweight and just run down." I felt like I didn't recognize myself in pictures. I looked tired just like my mom.
GONE within a month.

I am reducing my dosage of Armour Thyroid hormone. With each pregnancy I get a little better and now after 11 weeks I am only on a very small dose. I don't feel the up and down rollercoaster ride that is associated with hypothyroidism. It is such a relief.

If you want more information about thyroid support please read Chris Kresser's ebook on Thyroid Disorders and a wonderful podcast Paleo Hacks -Sean Croxton on thyroid issues and natural remedies.